Our blog is the finest exposure for you if you enjoy writing about finance or if you are a finance enthusiast.
We invite bloggers to write for us as guest bloggers on our site, giving them the opportunity to reach a larger audience. We are seeking qualified authors to contribute to our site and have their writings published. If you think you have what it takes to write for us about money and get published here, don’t wait any longer to submit us your topic proposals.
We believe that our users are entitled to the best available content to help them achieve their objectives. You’ll be needed there. Experts such as yourself are needed to offer their expertise. Your ideas and exclusive information will encourage and inspire our readers.
However, before you jump right in and submit an application, learn about our submission process, editorial standards, and the kind of content we’re looking for to see whether we’re a good fit. We’re delighted to hear about your visit!
The following are the content topics
Our main mission is to give useful financial information that will help people achieve their financial goals of earning, saving, and investing.
Join us and contribute your expertise on one or more of the various types of content categories listed below:
- Banking
- Mortgage
- Loan
- Insurance
- credit card
- Investment
- Save money
- Make money
- Spend money & more
Every piece of content we generate will advise our visitors on at least one of three:
• You provide “what to do to” information – In this content category, you will show readers how to use banks, credit cards, loans, investing strategies, and online trading. Use as many photos and examples as possible.
• You reveal outcomes – In this guest post, you’ll discuss the outcomes of your unique financial strategy, banking, or credit card, as well as a personal story. You’ll explain the financial strategy, present data/results, and show the readers how to put it into action.
• You offer your understanding – In this guest post category, you will make recommendations based on your knowledge of the issue to help the reader improve their financial plan. Although you will not share your personal results, you will provide examples of success based on what you advocate (via text and photographs).
Related Search Terms:
- banking + write for us
- mortgage + write for us
- loan + write for us
- insurance + write for us
- credit card + write for us
- finance + write for us
- investment + write for us
- save money + write for us
- make money + write for us
- spend money + write for us
Our Guidelines for Guest Posting
There are a few standards that must be strictly observed before you begin writing the content. Both our in-house editorial staff and our contestants must meet these standards.
Download the Guest Post Guidelines from Here
What is the procedure for submitting a guest post?
To be considered for publication on our website, send your article to editor@lumpsumamount.com. Our team will review the final draft and get in touch with you, if any modifications are needed. Once our team has approved your article, we will schedule it for publication.